Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Friend.. ^^

This is Sir Kurniawan's blog.. He is our computer teacher.. Visit his blog!

This is Feli's blog.. She is a very funny girl.. whenever you get close to her i guarantee you will lough all day.. Visit her blog!\

This is Jonathan's blog.. He likes to chill with his friends.. He is so good at playing his guitar.. Visit his blog! 

This is Tamara's blog.. She is one of the smartest student in 7A.. if u want to know her better, visit her blog!

This is Aldwin's blog.. He is so funny, he likes to hang out with his friends.. He is kinda cool.. Visit his blog!

This is Jessica's blog.. She is the most diligent student in 7A.. everyone likes to hang out with her.  Visit her blog!


  1. wkwkkw,,l kea maksa..wkakak.."Visit her blog!..visit his blog!"..gto"..wkakaka..asa nantang,,kea "VISIT SIAH!"..wkakka..

  2. wkwkwk.. hrus donkk^^
    hrus mksa.. biar blog ny pda d visit..
    yg lw donk fel.. d jmin ngkak sharian klw dket maa lw mah.. wkwkw

  3. eaa,,sinting dah,,wkakaka..
    btw, buka blog g geura..^^
    ad sesuatu buat u say..^^
